Here you will find work in progress and recent published papers:
“Valuation Effects, Exchange Rates, and Risk Sharing in Emerging Market Economies,” mimeo, co-author: Benjamín Peña, June 2024.
Abstract: We examine the issue of valuation effects in emerging market economies (EMEs), particularly the impact of exchange rate variations on their external wealth. Taking Chile as a case study, we first show that price and exchange rate-induced valuation changes have led to divergent trends between the accumulated current account and the NIIP, which improved markedly between 2019 and 2021 despite extreme social
unrest, the Covid crisis, and the resulting current account deficits. The positive valuation effects are explained by (i) the depreciation of the Chilean peso and (ii) the deficient performance of Chilean firms relative to foreign firms. We interpret these valuation changes in light of the recent literature on the role of the US as a
global insurer and show that this also holds for a sample of 20 EMEs. In particular, the correlation between the value of the currency and the NIIP is negative, and the magnitude of the effect of exchange rate changes depends, among other things, on the size of countries’ gross external positions. We show that this negative correlation is due to EMEs having been able to reduce currency mismatches markedly in the early 2000s while countries were opening financially. Our results suggest that EMEs enjoy wealth transfers from a global insurer in the international financial system.
“The Impact of Capital Controls and Macroprudential Policies: Firm Financial Constraints and Substitution Effects,” mimeo, co-authors: Eugenia Andreassen, Mauricio Jara and Alberto Undurraga, May 2024.
Abstract: Using a broad panel of public firms from a sample of emerging economies, we study the effects of capital controls (CCs) and macroprudential policies (MPs) on firm’s financial constraints. The implementation of CCs and MPs, often introduced to enhance financial stability, by restricting capital flows and credit supply, potentially intensify financial constraints for firms. Our findings indicate that CCs tend to increase financial constraints for firms, while in contrast, MPs appear to alleviate financial frictions at the firm-level. We attribute this outcome to a ’substitution channel’ by MPs, that reallocates the supply of funds from households to corporations, thus alleviating firm financial constraints. This effect is particularly pronounced when MPs target borrowers and their impact is larger for smaller firms and in countries where the relevance of banks relative to capital markets is larger.
"Emerging Markets and the Transition to Stability: The Role of Flexibility of Exchange Rates", in Douglas A. Irwing and M. Obstfeld, Floating Exchange Rates at Fifty, Chapter 18, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington D.C., April 2024.
Abstract: The transition to flexible exchange rate regimes in emerging-market economies (EMEs) was influenced by the failure of fixed regimes, evident in crises like those in Latin America and Asia. Initially hesitant due to inflation concerns, EMEs gradually shifted following the decline in global inflation and the introduction of flexible inflation-target regies. This transition allowed EMEs to avoid another major crisis the last two decades, despite events like the Global Financial Crisis and COVID. The effectiveness of flexible regimes in promoting external adjustment, however, remains debated. Many EMEs price exports in foreign currencies, so the dominant currency paradigm prevails limiting exchange rate effectiveness in the short term. Recent evidence for Chile shows that pricing adjust over time to producer currency pricing, promoting external adjustment. Furthermore, many EMEs have historically faced currency mismatches, prompting financial crises. Nonetheless, resilience has improved, driven by changes like greater fiscal and monetary credibility. EMEs enjoy risk sharing, and the more financially open they are, the greater the risk sharing effects. A depreciation of their currency transfers wealth from abroad through capital gains. EMEs' exchange rate management underscores the importance of flexibility and policy credibility in fostering macroeconomic stability.
“Median Labor Income in Chile Revised: Insights from Distributional National Accounts,” Estudios De Economía, 51(2): 487-537, co-author: Manuel Taboada, 2024.
Abstract: A commonly used figure to highlight inequality in Chile is the median income of the Chilean socioeconomic household survey (known by its acronym in Spanish, CASEN). According to this survey, in 2017 the median monthly in-come per worker was CLP (Chilean pesos) 400,718 pesos, which compares to average income per worker from National Accounts of CLP 1,350,000 in the same year. For this difference to be correct, the implied Gini coefficient would be 0.7, which much above the Gini implied by the same survey. However, surveys, such as CASEN, often underreport income, particularly for middle- and high-income earners, leading to an underestimation of the median income. This study compares various data sources, including national accounts, house-hold surveys, and administrative records, to create a more accurate picture of income distribution and median income. The corrected data shows higher median incomes and greater inequality than previously reported. On average, the underestimation of gross wages in the Chilean national household sur-vey as compared to national accounts is 40%, significantly larger than other countries. About a quarter of this gap is attributed to the “missing rich” in the survey. For 2017, this equates to an estimated median gross income for dependent labor of CLP 600,000 and CLP 570,000 for all workers. The corrected mean-median income ratio (Gini) is 26% (17%) larger than in the raw survey of 2017 and falls only 6% (3%) between 2006 and 2017 compared with a larger decline of 12% (11%) in the original data.
“From dominant to producer currency pricing: Dynamics of Chilean exports,” Journal of International Economics, Vol. 149, 103934,, Co-Auhors: Pablo García, Emiliano Luttini, Marco Rojas, 2024.
Abstract: We revisit a central question for international macroeconomics: the response of export prices and quantities to movements in the exchange rate (ER). We use granular export data for Chile and study how the effects of ER movements vary over time with the currency of invoicing and the destination of exports. For prices, we find that the short-run effects of bilateral ER movements vanish when controlling for U.S. dollar ER, which supports dominant currency pricing. However, over longer horizons a more significant role is played by bilateral ER movements, in line with the predictions of producer currency pricing. These dynamics do not depend on the invoicing currency. The results we find for quantities support the view that bilateral ER movements contribute to macroeconomic adjustment through export volumes over the medium term.
“The boom of corporate debt in emerging markets: Carry trade or save to invest?,” Journal of International Economics, Vol. 148, 103844,, Co-Author: Mauricio Jara, 2024.
Abstract: The decline in international interest rates following the global financial crisis encouraged firms in emerging markets to increase their corporate bond issuance abroad. Evidence shows that issuing offshore debt increases cash holdings, suggesting firms may exploit interest rate arbitrage. We argue that increasing contemporaneous cash holdings may also be undertaken for a “save to invest” motive to finance future investment opportunities. Using a sample of nonfinancial listed firms from 15 emerging market economies from 2001 to 2016, we show that companies accumulate cash when carry trade is favorable; however, we find that the increased cash holdings substantially revert in the following two periods, consistent with arguments for a “save to invest” motive. Indeed, offshore debt has a significant impact on both current and next-year investment.
“Las Criptomonedas: Una Mirada Escéptica y los Desafíos a la Industria Financiera y Banca Central”, Documento de Trabajo SDT 521, Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Chile, July 2021.
Abstract: Este trabajo provee un panorama general sobre criptomonedas y los desafíos de las monedas digitales de los bancos centrales. Luego de describir como funcionan las criptomonedas se argumenta que no son y, muy probablemente, nunca serán monedas. Son activos de inversión sin valor intrínseco, es decir, a diferencia del capital que se usa para producir, su uso en producción no existe. A estos activos se les conoce en economía como burbujas especulativas. Que estos criptoactivos no tengan valor no significa que su precio sea cero. Se discuten además algunos problemas de las criptomonedas, como es su uso en actividades ilegales, el elevado consumo de energía y sus implicancias sobre la capacidad de controlar flujos financieros transfronterizos. También se discute la creación de monedas digitales por parte de los bancos centrales, lo que podría reducir los costos de transacción en el sistema financiero, mejorar la seguridad y contribuir a la inclusión financiera. Sin embargo, aún hay muchos desafíos regulatorios y de diseño que resolver.